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Fire Depth Sensor

Wildfire Soil temperature sensor

Fully inclosed, durable belowground temperature sensor

The High temperature soil sensor monitors soil temperature during wildfire events.


This sensor helps to diagnose soil conditions. It is applicable in:


Nutrient Flux determination

Soil water repellency calculation

Soil burn severity assessment




  • Dimensions: 

    • Body 6.35 cmx30.48 cm 

    • Needles 3 mmx17 mm

  • Temperature sensors:

    • 6 k-type thermocouples (accurate up to 1100 C)

  • Materials:

    • Body and Needles are high grade steel for optimum protection​


The Soil Burn Severity sensor helps to quickly determine damage caused to soil after a wildfire event. By monitoring soil temperature during the fire, a burn severity map can be compiled with the collected data, and reclamation efforts can begin sooner.


This device is designed to be buried in front of a fire and can collect data for about two weeks, at which time data should be collected and the battery re-charged with the included cable. For installation, we recommend using a 5in augur to minimize soil and duff disturbance. Because of the changes a wildfire causes, it can be difficult to locate the sensor after the event if it is not well marked. We advise driving a t-stake into the ground near the site and saving the GPS location.   




The High temperature Soil depth sensor measures soil temperature at 6 depths to obtain an accurate soil temperature profile. Temperature is measured at depths of 1,2,3,4,6 and 8cm using k-type thermocouples. Data is collected and stored on a microSD card, which also can be used to easily configure data intervals and data format.  This sensor is completely contained and operates off of a rechargeable battery with a single charge lasting approximately 14 days, at a data collection interval of 2 seconds. With temperature data, fire intensity as well as soil water repellency and soil nutrient flux can be determined. This sensor allows for faster response and reclamation following devastating fire events.


Selected Publications   | 1 (509) 334-3016

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